Drama School Mumbai was founded in 2013 to forge a new generation of theatre-makers; actor-creator-entrepreneurs professionally trained to perform and create work to a higher global standard of storytelling.
Drama School Mumbai also works to promote the awareness of theatre and its processes to a wider audience interested in exploring and understanding the medium.
  • To engage the target audience, increase brand visibility, Recognition and Credibility in the mind of the consumers
  • To increase admissions enquiries by leveraging its active social media presence.

With a view to reach the target set of aspiring actors and compelling them to enrol with THE DRAMA SCHOOL, in the highly competitive and crowded market, we adopted the most effective content strategy by engaging audience via:

  • Lead Generation and Database retargeting on Facebook
  • SEARCH ENGINE Marketing on Google
Facebook Successful Marketing Strategy
  • 340+ Facebook enquiries in 2 months (Double than the set targets)
  • 60,000+ Facebook Reach
  • 80,000+ Facebook Impressions
Social Media Marketing

Drama School Mumbai is a relatively small and new organisation in the arts sector. Given our scale and the niche nature of the industry we're a part of, our stint with Digital Republik was our first foray in the world of digital marketing. We've since gone back to them for a second year in a row and am already in talks for a third session. DR has worked with us to understand the nature of our work and our audiences and has patiently customised campaigns to maximise effectiveness for us.

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